A message to you...
From Kieryn Deutrom, Volunteer Program Manager
ShelterBox offers a range of ways that you can promote ShelterBox from home – using your email, social media and phone!
While everyone is encouraged to work from home during the Covid-19 outbreak, I encourage you to take time to check-in on yourself and to connect with one another.
ShelterBox Australia Volunteer Facebook group is a great asset during this time and I strongly urge everyone to utilise this online community to share or post anything that could be of use. Online communities are in this together and we can all help to keep a smile on one another’s face.
I understand that moving towards online promotion and fundraising from home could be difficult for some people while others are looking for extra things to do themselves and with their family.
To help you navigate this time at home a little better, ShelterBox has pulled together some activities that you can easily do from the comfort of your home using your computer, email, social media and the phone.
Have kids? Check out our fun and educational ShelterBox activities, designed for children of all ages!
I thank you all for your continued support of ShelterBox Australia during this challenging time and I hope you enjoy the ShelterBox at Home Resources.
Take care,
Many Rotary Clubs, schools, and organisations are taking their programming online.
We will be offering you a few videos so that you can share with clubs, schools and other organisations that are interested.
Currently we have two great videos that you can choose from:

ShelterBox 20th Anniversary
20 years ago, ShelterBox was established by small Rotary group based in Cornwall, UK. Today we are Rotary International’s official Project Partners in disaster relief and together have supported over 1.5 million people around the world after disaster.
This is a great presentation to use with your own club, or to send to clubs in your area that have opted to take their meetings online. You can also use this template outreach email that you can send directly to clubs to inform them about the video presentation.

2020 Vision
Mike Greenslade, ShelterBox Australia CEO, has developed two video presentations aimed at Rotary and non-Rotary audiences. The videos showcase the “2020 Vision” photo book and feature imagery and footage shot on deployment.
You can also offer to deliver a live virtual presentation to a club if they have the technology to do so, or you can connect the club with our office and we can arrange to have a staff member give the live virtual presentation during the club’s meeting time.
Ensuring you keep safe and healthy doesn’t mean you can’t connect with one another.

Planning a virtual coffee meeting is a great way to touch base with a friend and see how you’re both doing.
Use FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom or Skype to connect with your friends and community during these challenging times (if you need help setting any of these up please contact us).
This can also be a time to talk about the lives of families who have been affected by natural disaster and conflict. Even while the true impacts of COVID-19 remain unclear we know that disasters are unpredictable, and it is a possibility that a disaster will occur in the coming months.
ShelterBox will still do everything to continue to support families after disaster.
ShelterBox is offering 16 lucky volunteers (2 per State/Territory) the opportunity to hold their own State/Territory-based raffle on behalf of ShelterBox.
ShelterBox will pay the administration fee (or feel free to ask your workplace or Rotary Club to cover this small cost) and then you’re ready to find raffle prizes and promote your raffle far and wide.
During these challenging times where we can’t go out in person, this is a great way to continue to promote ShelterBox online and offer supporters some great prizes.
ShelterBox will offer each raffle organiser:

A signed ShelterBox “2020 Vision” photo book package, including a set of 8 greetings cards and a limited-edition print.

A Luminaid PackLite Max 2 in 1 — this is the same solar light that is distributed on ShelterBox deployments around the world.

3 x 2020 Vision books, featuring photos by Photographer and ShelterBox Australia CEO, Mike Greenslade.
Our Frontier Stoves are now obsolete, if you have one, they make great raffle prizes! Other prizes could be donated by your local community. Here’s some prize examples:
- A weekend away (when life settles back to normal) at a tourist destination that needs tourists after the bushfires (e.g. Kangaroo Island, Blue Mountains, Mallacoota). Check out this site for ideas on locations – https://www.roadtripforgood.org.au
- A food/wine/beer hamper from a local producer
- A cash prize (see: https://www.rafflelink.com.au/shelterbox-tasmania), limited tickets, prize money from takings
ShelterBox will have a webpage dedicated to our online raffles and will promote all the raffles on our social media sites. Your promotion can be via your online community, friends and family, social networks, email lists, Rotary Clubs, and school and District newsletters.
If you would like to be one of the lucky few to host a ShelterBox raffle from home, please contact Kieryn as soon as you can.
Social media
Now is a great time to get on social media and spread awareness about ShelterBox Australia.
Please take a moment to watch our 10-minute Social Media Training video that gives you all the basics of using social media and important guidelines to remember when posting. All social media inspiration, ideas and photo galleries can be found in the Volunteer Resource Portal videos section.
Online Advocates
We ‘re looking for volunteers who will help raise awareness in their local communities by spreading the ShelterBox message through their online followers and community. Online Advocates are crucial in getting our message out so that we can reach the most people across the country and beyond.
We are looking for people who have an enthusiasm for spreading the word about ShelterBox and can create their own content to engage with their networks – all you need is an internet connection!
As an Online Advocate, you will:
Follow us on social
Share our story
Share our social media posts on your own channels to help drive traffic to help raise awareness of our important work around the world.
Communicate with your tribe
Get creative by writing and publishing your own ShelterBox posts and creative content to engage with people on your own social media.
Activate in times of disaster
We need the support of our volunteers to share urgent and important updates about our current response to raise awareness while the disaster is in the media spotlight.
Brand Ambassadors
We’re looking to partner with Brand Ambassadors -people who are active on social media, with large followings and willing to share our important message with their followers. We will meet with you (virtually) to chat about how we can work together to increase our audience through your authenticity and reach.
Who we’re looking for:
Outdoor enthusiasts & adventurers
Think popular Australian adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts who have a passion for sharing stories about our world.
Film or television personalities
Do you know a national film or TV star who would like to share the ShelterBox story with their community?
Comedians and celebrities
We would love to gain the support of a national celebrity or comedy icon who is aligned with our work and willing to help us spread the word.
Want to support ShelterBox by becoming an Online Advocate or Brand Ambassador? We’d love to hear from you.
Grab your popcorn and join us for a virtual ShelterBox Movie Night.
We may not be able to go to the cinema while isolating at home, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get together and watch a movie in the name of disaster relief.
All you need to take part is your own Netflix account and a couple of free hours. Every month our team will choose a thought-provoking film that is centred around the people and places who have been supported through ShelterBox’s disaster relief work.

How will we organise our Movie Nights?
All of our Movie Nights will be organised as ‘Events’ on our Facebook page, one week prior to the event taking place.
Make sure that you follow us on social media so you don’t miss out – and feel free to share the event with anyone that might be interested.

Make a 'Popcorn' donation
Movie night attendees are encouraged to make a ‘popcorn cost’ donation to ShelterBox via our website. Of course, if you can spare a little more, your support will go even further – providing emergency shelter, tools and equipment that will help rebuild lives.

After film social
After the movie, why not join us on the ‘Facebook Event’ page for a live discussion with Mike Greenslade CEO or one of Response Team Members?
We’ll enjoy an open conversation about the film and also take any film recommendations for the next movie night!